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Ed Hanchett

The "DIY" website dilemma

When free isn't free

It’s easy to get lured into the advertising message “get your website live in an hour and your dreams will come true”. Whether it fails on the “hour” or the “dreams” contention, it really should be marked as false advertising.

I know, we're in the business so I would naturally consider the above scenario to be illicit – it’s exactly because I’m in the business that this is my opinion. It is based on fact, not competitive arrogance. Let’s review some of the realities of the DYI websites:

•    All of the DYI website provides offer a tool that allows you to add a few images and some content. The first challenge is some people find the tool to be confusing and difficult to use. The amount of time and effort you might invest before giving up can be a lot – for absolutely no value!

•    The DIY tools offer very few templates to choose from which means that other than your name and logo, there will be other websites that look almost exactly like yours. 

•    In nearly every case, the DIY platform begins offering you attractive options – for a fee. It might seem small but it doesn’t take long before your “free” website is costing you quite a bit of money.

•    Speaking of “attractive options” – most of these options are not really options at all but are requirements if you want your website to work or even be found. 

There’s a reason why website development service providers exist – they create a website that is designed for you, they use the correct techniques that help your website be found, and they are there to guide and to be a resource for you.  

If your budget will absolutely only allow a DIY website, well, it’s better than nothing – a little. But find a way, quickly, to engage a web expert. You owe it to yourself and your business.

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